Actor Karthi unleashed the trailer of ‘Mark Antony’ starring Vishal and SJ Suryah. The 3-minute-long video opens with a special animation of Karthi, who welcomes us into the world of Mark Antony with his voiceover. The movie, directed by Adhik Ravichandran, is gearing up to storm the screens on September 15.
The story revolves around a scientist’s time travel telephone through which a person can communicate to the past. The world of Mark Antony is so wacky and entertaining. The comic one-liners land very well and the VFX shots look stunning. Vishal and SJ Suryah are playing gangsters while Selvaraghavan plays a scientist. All the characters are seen in different getups throughout the video.
The surprises do not end there as the team has brought back the late glam actress Silk Smitha using VFX. The pop culture references continue with the makers using iconic 80s, 90s songs in the musical scores. GV Prakash has done an excellent job from composing rocking original scores to remixing old classics in a modern tone. Abinandan Ramanujam’s cinematography is epic and editor Vijay Velukutty has delivered one of the best trailer cuts of all time.
The film’s songs are already a huge hit among the fans. Mark Antony stars Vishal, SJ Suryah, Selvaraghavan, Sunil, Ritu Varma, Abhinaya, YG Mahendran, Redin Kingsley, Sendrayan, Nizhalgal Ravi and many others in pivotal roles. This movie promises to be a perfect quirky entertainer. It is produced by S Vinod Kumar under Mini Studio.