Thalapathy Vijay’s son, Jason Sanjay, is all set to make his directorial debut with Lyca Productions bankrolling the project. The film was announced on August 28th which came as a surprise to movie lovers. Jason Sanjay has done his BA (Hons) in screenwriting in London and also has a film production diploma from Toronto Film School.
Ever since the announcement of Jason Sanjay’s debut movie fans are curious to know who will be playing the male lead. There were speculations that Ajith Kumar or Vijay Sethupathi are likely to act in the young filmmaker’s direction.
Now fresh reports are emerging that Jason has opted for a young cast and talks have been initiated with Kavin, Harish Kalyan and Atharvaa Murali. There are also other reports that suggest that Jason who is a close friend of Dhruv Vikram might even bring him on board. Some sections of the media even go to the extent of suggesting that director Shankar’s son Arjith Shankar may also make his debut with this film.
We have to wait for the official announcement to check if these are all mere speculations are one them will be playing the lead in the as yet untitled film. It is also speculated that A.R. Rahman’s son Ameen might score music for the project.