At the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai, match five of the World Cup 2023 featured the Indian cricket team taking on Australia. On a hot, bright day in Chennai, the Australia captain chose to bat first after winning the toss. One of the game’s funnier moments occurred when spectators saw “Jarvo 69.” He was seen entering the pitch as usual and talking to Virat Kohli while donning the India jersey. He was soon removed from the pitch by security forces. He travelled from the United Kingdom to support the Indian squad, which caught the attention of many.

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Siraj at first: hey team mate
After realising: Oh it’s Jarvo.Can I get an autograph plz?
KL-Go to fine leg.
Kohli-Dnt come again plz they ill arrest u.
Jarvo-“Banned in England and India. Next target:Australia.See you soon,Kohli.”
  (@ViratsLoyalist) October 9, 2023

Earlier, just seconds before Kohli said something to Jarvo, Mohammed Siraj and KL Rahul looked frustrated by the pitch invader. The India vs Australia clash was a nail-biting thriller as at one point the hosts were really in a tricky spot with 3 wickets down in their chase of 200.

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