The valedictory function of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 of NLC India Ltd (NLCIL) was held in Neyveli recently.

Prasanna Kumar Motupalli, chairman-cum-managing director of NLCIL, said that the core values of NLCIL, including transparency and accountability, were being followed in the spirit of the company. The focus of all employees, particularly officers, should be on preventive vigilance since huge money has been involved, he said.

Mr. Kumar also released a special edition of the vigilance department’s in-house journal ‘Lignite Eyes on the occasion and booklets on ‘Ethics And Good Practices’. The CMD distributed prizes to the winners of the short film competition conducted as part of Vigilance Awareness Week.

Appakannu Govindarajan, Chief Vigilance Officer of NLCIL and senior officials were present.

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