A major fire broke out at Ankura Hospital in Hyderabad on Saturday (Dec 23) evening. According to media reports, the fire was reported at around 5.30 pm and there were no casualties. A report by Telangana Today said that the hospital management informed the police about the fire who then alerted the fire department. Three fire tenders reached the spot and the fire was brought under control, the report added.

Panic gripped the hospital’s surroundings with people rushing to rescue the patients.

Later in a statement, Ankura Hospital said the terrace outdoor lights caught fire due to a short-circuit. “The fire department was immediately informed and the fire was brought under control immediately. There have been no casualties,” the statement added.

“We are taking all precautions to ensure the safety of our staff and patients,” the hospital further said. 

Fire officials told Telangana Today that the hospital was functioning on the ground plus three floors of the building. 

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