Soundarya Rajinikanth to direct a cricketer’s biopic with Superstar Rajinikanth’s cameo?

Superstar Rajinikanth recently signed a new movie with the Bollywood producer, Sajid Nadiawala. Nadiawala Grandson Entertainment officially announced this on social media. The legendary actor was expected to embark on this project after the completion of ‘Vettaiyan’ and ‘Thalaivar 171’.

It is reported that Rajinikanth’s younger daughter, Soundarya, is going to direct the biopic of veteran Indian cricketer, Sourav Ganguly, produced by Sajid Nadiawala. Sources say that Thalaivar will be doing a cameo role in this movie, which might be ‘Thalaivar 172’. However, we have to take it with a pinch of salt and wait for the official announcement.

This buzz is going viral now. Notably, Superstar Rajinikanth recently appeared in an extended cameo in his elder daughter, Aishwarya’s direction in ‘Lal Salaam’. It was a cricket-based sports drama with Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth in the lead roles. The film didn’t meet the expectations and underperformed at the box office.

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