The comedy-horror franchise ‘Aranmanai 4’, is directed yet again by Sundar C, with a soaring response from the movie buffs for the endearing shooting and post-production of the film, jolting them up for the cinema hall.
Meanwhile, fans of the ‘Singam’ series, where Surya was in the lead role and they were directed by Hari, are left to speculate if there will be a continuation. The three series of the film, namely 2010, 2013, and 2017, were made and released, respectively, and had roaring success. However, recent rumors suggest otherwise.
Meanwhile, Singam star Suriya’s recent appearance at one of director Hari’s functions has added fuel to the rumors about ‘Singam 4’. Now, discussions have sparked speculation about whether the powerful combo will be seen syncing once again. Recently, Hari conducted an interview about the film he is directing, ‘Ratnam’. He answered common questions in the film’s fourth part. He said it was going to be big, but personally, there are no problems amongst them.
With the growing expectations for ‘Aranmanai 4’ and the potential for ‘Singam 4’, people eagerly await further announcements.