Boxer and former Congress leader Vijender Singh on Wednesday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and said, “It is like coming back to home.” The Olympic medalist’s move comes as a big setback to the grand old party as he was its flag bearer in the 2019 LS Polls. As he joined the saffron party at the party headquarters in Delhi, Singh said he has joined the BJP for the development of the country and to serve the people of the country.

Internet was shocked to see the move on Vijender Singh joining BJP as recently he was with the Wrestlers during the whole WFI controversy with Brij Bhushan Singh in the limelight.

Here how internet reacted on Vijender Singh joining BJP. Reactions are below…

Reporter – Till yesterday, you were Retweeting Rahul Gandhi’s video against Modi and stood with congress. What happened in 24 hours

Vijender Singh- I slept after reposting and when I woke up I thought of doing the right thing and joined BJP
 Megh Updates  (@MeghUpdates) April 3, 2024

Vijender Singh yesterday. Planning to join BJP but reposting Congress posts.
 Narundar (@NarundarM) April 3, 2024

Vijender Singh:
 paramjeet singh lamba (@IndieKnopfler) April 3, 2024

 What a Downfall

Boxer & Congress leader Vijender Singh joins BJP at the party headquarters in Delhi

He was standing with Women wrestlers against Brijbhushan Sharan Singh and Today join the Party of Brijbhushan.

Sorry Sakshi Malik.#Vijender

 Harsh Tiwari (@harsht2024) April 3, 2024

Singh had fought the 2019 Lok Sabha election unsuccessfully from the South Delhi constituency as a Congress candidate. His name was doings the rounds for the last few days as the party’s nominee from Mathura, from where actor and incumbent MP Hema Malini is contesting again. Singh comes from the Jat community, which has political influence in a large number of seats in Haryana, the state he comes from, western Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Vijender Singh’s Huge Achievement For Country

After making the Olympic debut in boxing at the 1948 London Games, India’s wait for a medal at the showpiece event finally concluded with Vijender’s bronze and it also paved way for other Indian pugilist to shine at the marquee event. Vijender had then went down in his semi-final bout against Cuba’s Emilio Correa Bayeaux, but it was enough for him to clinch an Olympic medal.

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