“The Greatest of All Time,” or “The GOAT,” Venkat Prabhu’s much-anticipated project with Vijay, has set a release date. The actor and the film’s creators both announced this big announcement on social media. The sci-fi action flick will release across theaters on September 5. In the backdrop of the city skyline, with just the words “September fifth” printed on the poster, Vijay looked suave in spectacles and a salt-and-pepper beard.

Sharing the same excitement, director Venkat shared the same poster on X with Eid greetings, anticipating that their film will hit screens during Ganesh Chaturthi and adding that people should shower the same love on them as during their earlier film Raja Rani. The poster indicated Vijay in one of the double roles with cutting-edge de-aging technology. Notably, Vijay has embraced a clean-shaven appearance for this distinct role.

This marks the maiden venture of Venkat Prabhu with Vijay, and it is a star-studded ensemble that includes Mic Mohan, Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Sneha, Laila, Jayaram, Meenakshi Chaudhary, and Yogi Babu. The film comes with much promise since it has Yuvan Shankar Raja on the music, Siddhartha Nuni behind the camera, and Venkat Raaj.

Early this year, in quite an unexpected turn, he declared his political ambitions and announced that he would contest from his party, the Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, for the 2026 elections. With the vision of transparent and inclusive governance, Vijay’s political entry really keeps a huge question mark on his future in cinema, as fans are now eagerly looking for his next film post, “The Goat.”

Eid vaazhthukaludan.. vinayaga chathurthi ku varrom #TheGreatestOfAllTime from SEPTEMBER 5th!! Namma #Thalapathy ku #WhistlePodu @actorvijay @archanakalpathi @aishkalpathi @thisisysr #TheGOAT #aVPhero pic.twitter.com/xuWT02pKJt

— venkat prabhu (@vp_offl) April 11, 2024

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