A woman has been given a jail sentence and a restraining order that bars her from attending any gigs that Harry Styles may perform at, considering that she has continually stalked him.

Harrow Crown Court heard how 35-year-old Myra Carvalho showered the singer with over 8,000 cards in just a month.

Carvalho was sentenced to 14 weeks in prison and was issued a restraining order against Styles for the next ten years, banning her from attending any event where the singer was performing live, including overseas.

Court proceedings also revealed that the Brazilian national send handwritten letters and ordered a large number of cards online, among them wedding cards, all directed to Styles’ residence.

Carvalho went to the extent of dropping two letters personally in the address of the singer in the course of her residence at Earl’s Court, London.

Her family did not even know she was in the UK, as she had hidden all documents at her home.

Carvalho entered a plea of guilty to the charge of stalking during a court session, which brought great distress.

She was also not to contact Styles directly or indirectly, nor was she to go to several specific places in northwest London. Additionally, Carvalho was ordered to pay a £134 victim surcharge as part of her sentence.

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