“Ghilli,” a 2004 movie, was a hit again yesterday. Thalapathy Vijay-starring picture grossed Rs. 8 crore worldwide on its reopening day, including previews internationally on Friday. This breaks the record for Indian re-releases, surpassing Telugu hits like “Businessman” and “Kushi,” which made Rs. 4 crore globally on their first day.
“Ghilli” had the second-highest opening day in Tamil Nadu this year, surpassing “Lal Salaam” and “Ayalan.” The film grossed over USD 350K internationally, a milestone few new movies can match. The film was not released in key areas including the US and UK this week, which could have affected foreign earnings of USD 500K.
As home media and satellite TV became more widespread, re-releases lost their importance in the film industry. However, re-releases, especially in Telugu, have increased, often around star birthdays or film anniversaries. Since COVID-19 reduced new releases, re-releases have filled the hole for exhibitors. Most Tamil re-releases were short-lived, but “Ghilli” sold well on its second day, suggesting a long run in Tamil Nadu.