The acclaimed and talented director Karthik Subbaraj will direct Suriya in the much-expected movie ‘Suriya 44’. The entire film industry is gearing up to hear this news. Fans are waiting to see when filming will get started.

The music director is an important first reveal in the movie. This is because it is a music director who can set up the film’s ambiance and tone. And now, 2D Entertainment and Stone Bench have teamed up for a mega collaboration to make ‘Suriya 44’.

The excitement surrounding the film has just grown. All of these collaborations and strategic augmentations will increase the film’s size and success probability. Suriya has finished all the technical aspects of ‘Kanguva’.

All eyes are on what the superstar is doing next. And after completing those fine nuances, the actor will easily fit into ‘Suriya 44’, heralding a new and interesting phase in his acting career.

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