Sudha Kongara scripted and directed the Suriya starrer ‘Soorarai Pottru’ in 2020, which won multiple National Awards. The actor-director duo reunited for the project ‘Purananooru,’ announced with a huge star cast. However, the makers later revealed that the film would take time to materialize.
With ‘Purananooru’ on hold, filmmaker Sudha Kongara is in discussions with other actors for a new project. Reports indicate that actors Simbu, Chiyaan Vikram and Sivakarthikeyan are in talks with her. According to the latest updates, Sivakarthikeyan is the leading contender to collaborate with Sudha Kongara on an upcoming action film.
Sivakarthikeyan is currently busy with ‘Amaran’ and ‘SK 23’. He recently wrapped up filming for ‘Amaran’. Meanwhile, Sudha Kongara has just finished directing ‘Sarfira’, the Hindi remake of ‘Soorarai Pottru’, starring Akshay Kumar and Radhika Madan. The film is set to hit the screens this July.