In 2020, Suriya and director Vetrimaaran came together for the mega project ‘Vaadivaasal’ under Kalaippuli S Thanu’s V Creations banner. After a long wait, the film’s test shoot was done in 2022 and a promo was launched. There has been no development in the movie ever since.

Suriya and Vetrimaaran got busy with their respective commitments. In the meantime, director Ameer was cast in an important role in this film. According to the latest reports, Suriya and Vetrimaaran are gearing up to commence ‘Vaadivaasal’ by this year. The team has planned to start the movie by the end of 2024.

By that time, Suriya would have wrapped up shooting for ‘Suriya 44’ directed by Karthik Subbaraj. And, Vetrimaaran would have completed directing the Soori and Vijay Sethupathi starrer ‘Viduthalai Part 2’. This news has sparked excitement among the fans and audiences. We hear that ‘Viduthalai Part 2’ is being planned for a Diwali release. Vetri will start pre-production for ‘Vaadivaasal’ after that.

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