The grand wedding of Action King Arjun’s daughter, Aishwarya, and Thambi Ramaiah’s son, Umapathy, unfolded in Chennai on June 11th. The families hosted a lavish reception at the luxurious Leela Palace on Sunday, attracting much attention. The star-studded event drew the spotlight with many celebrities in attendance.

In this context, there is a rumour circulating on social media claiming that Arjun gave 500 crores as dowry for Aishwarya’s marriage. It’s also alleged that his total wealth amounts to around 1000 crores, and he gifted 500 crores as a wedding present to his daughter. However, these details are not to be believed as they appear to be false.

It’s important to note that Arjun hails from a wealthy family even before entering the film industry and has risen to become one of the biggest stars in Tamil cinema. Despite these facts, reports of Arjun giving 500 crores as dowry are confirmed to be false. On the work front, Arjun is gearing up to shoot the final schedule of ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ in Azerbaijan this week.

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