Bigg Boss Tamil, a reality television phenomenon on Vijay TV, has captivated audiences across Tamil Nadu and beyond with its dramatic twists, emotional highs, and strategic gameplay. Hosted by Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan, the 100-day game show has completed 7 seasons in Tamil.
Bigg Boss Tamil on Vijay TV has once again ignited excitement with the buzz surrounding the contestants of its upcoming Season 8. Currently going viral on the internet, sources suggest that actress Zoya, known for her participation in Cook with Comali, is likely to enter the Bigg Boss house. Fans are eagerly speculating whether her boyfriend, influencer TTF Vasan, will join her as a contestant.
The rumoured lineup includes notable names such as actor Riyaz Khan, actress Poonam Bajwa, actor Karthik Kumar, veteran actor Vijay Kumar, Babloo Prithviraj, singer Shwetha Menon, singer Kalpana, influencer Amala Shaji, Makapa Anand, Robo Shankar, Sonia Aggarwal, and Kiran among others. As anticipation builds, viewers are eagerly awaiting the official confirmation to see if these speculations hold true.