Explore key astrological insights for each zodiac sign from September to November, including eclipses and planetary shifts.

Check out last month’s here


The Pisces Full Moon and lunar eclipse on September18 will bring family and relationship concerns into sharp focus. Harmonies between Earth and Water signs have kept you motivated and focused and this continues from September 20 to October 10. With Mercury in Virgo and Venus enhancing communication until October 17, this period is exceptionally satisfying. However, be cautious about overcommitting on October 14-15 and October 29-31. In November, be mindful of potential self-sabotage as Jupiter boosts career activity while Mercury creates a longing for travel and adventure. Mercury’s infl uence and a Full Moon suggest navigating November 4 and 13-18 with care.


In September, your ruler Venus becomes the Evening Star and enters Scorpio just after the Sun moves into Libra, stirring deep emotions from September 23 to October 23. A fateful year, 2024 brings a solar eclipse at your Libra New Moon, unlocking old soul business Express your feelings rather than rationalising them. From October 5-8 and 16-22, you can form fortunate connections that enhance your happiness. With Jupiter in your travel and adventure sector until June 2025, the “Greater Fortune” supports your dreams. Venus transits Sagittarius from October 18 to November 12, encouraging your heart to embrace love fearlessly.


With Venus in Scorpio from September 23 to October 18, you have an opportunity to make deep connections. The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23, while the Moon is strong in Cancer, keeping you in the fl ow. When Mars connects with two transpersonal planets in late October, a story that began in mid-July intensifi es. The Scorpio New Moon on November 2 deepens your emotional expression, as Mercury and Neptune create a full Water “Grand Trine” with Mars, making you multidimensional. By the potent Full Moon on November 16, partnerships will blossom.


Focused on your worldly roles from September 12-26, you achieve much and earn praise from October 5-8. Venus enters Sagittarius on October 18, expanding your social life but also complicating things. Trickster energy may catch you off guard, though October 14- 28 holds potential for success. You typically juggle many options, but October 29-31 and November 3-13 could get messy, so try to streamline your activities beforehand. With Jupiter in Gemini until June 2025, any partnerships and joint endeavours require a slow, careful approach to avoid complications.


Saturn’s journey through Pisces is complicating emotions for Capricorn. September 18-23 and October 14, 15, 23 and 29 remind you that emotions are never easy. Instead of shielding your vulnerability with boundaries, you now experience emotional highs and lows. With Neptune in Pisces urging heartful expression, it’s tempting to rely on Saturn’s caution. However, the Water and Earth harmonies, coupled with Uranus’s evolutionary energy, suggest otherwise. As Pluto spends its fi nal days in Capricorn until November 20, a last chance for transformation calls out to you.


From September 2, Pluto backs into Capricorn, off ering a chance to realign your life and address previously ignored physical issues. This preparation helps you navigate Pluto’s return to Aquarius on November 20. With Venus enhancing your vocational skills from September 23 to October 17, collaborations and projects will benefi t from a gentle touch. Your leading planets, Saturn and Uranus, create magic from October 22-28 with their Water-Earth harmonies. Since October 29-31 will be a wild ride, hold onto the positive feelings from those previous days. November starts with a Full Moon accelerating vocational concerns and demands will keep coming.


A mutating dance of love and vision nourishes Pisces, now richly supported by mystical Neptune. The Full Moon in Pisces on September 18 aligns with Neptune, highlighting Pisces’ otherworldly and sometimes naive nature. While Neptune can undermine personal credibility and self-protection, Saturn in Pisces brings extra caution and worldly know-how. Art and spirituality are important, but Saturn helps address fi nancial concerns. The waxing Moon cycle from October 3-17 is ideal for reinvigorating fi nances. You likely understand imagination as a powerful force, and in late October and November, applying your imagination can transform your life for the better.


The last eclipses of 2024 include a lunar eclipse at the Full Moon on September 18 and a solar eclipse at the Libra New Moon on October 3. These events revive old matters and soulful concerns from last April. While the Eclipse Axis moves through Aries/Libra until January, the eclipses conclude. The Aries Full Moon on October 17 brings a sense of lightness and freedom, helping you move past demands and dramas to become actively present. October 29-31 presents challenges, but the New Moon and soothing Mars harmonies’ from November 1-3 facilitate deep, healing conversations.


Venus in your partner sign from September 23 to October 15 may test your patience, as others’ responses might seem inappropriate. Solitude and mindfulness are your best support, with September 25, 30 and October 8 off ering respite. Breathe deeply and anticipate the sweet shifts around the Full Moon on October 16-17. Avoid reacting on October 29; the Earth/Water harmonies of early November will be particularly pleasant. With a New Moon in your partner sign at the start of November and Venus entering an earthy sign on November 12, you’re well prepared for the exciting changes likely around the Taurus Full Moon on November 16.


Challenges in August transform into strengths in September and October for Gemini. Air sign harmonies sharpen your mind, opening doors of opportunity. From the Full Moon on September 18 to the Full Moon on October 17, family and loving relationships become your safe anchor as you embrace new communication modes in late October, boosted by the Full Moon. Be cautious of over-expansion; Jupiter in Gemini for the year brings luck, but excess can be a tipping point. November’s Water emphasis forces emotional realisations. Stay open and avoid rationalising your feelings as soulful intentions grow with the Moon from November 2-16.


With Mars in Cancer harmonising with the Pisces Full Moon from September 18-26, your strengths come to the forefront. Be mindful not to overexert yourself, though, as your power could diminish; assert yourself with grounded strength. With Pluto briefl y back in your relationship sign until November 18, partners may exhibit controlling tendencies. Achieve a balance of power through the infl uence of the Libra New Moon on October 3, using gentle dignity and strategic thinking. This approach will navigate you through October’s challenges and successes, including the demands of October 14-17. As November’s Water harmonies emerge, trust your emotional intuition to guide you accurately.


The Sun enters your sign of social purpose on September 22, marking a proactive period that peaks on October 8. Key events or presentations will go smoothly around October 7 or 8, while October 15 calls for careful restraint. Family takes centre stage from October 23, promising many heartwarming moments. Approach sudden events on October 31 cautiously. On November 4, just after the New Moon, a powerful cycle begins as Mars enters Leo. Love and friendship take the lead, supported by the positive influences of Venus and Jupiter. This sets the stage for a creative surge that accelerates from November 16-22.

Article Featured in WellBeing Magazine 212

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