Tamil Nadu, in a short period, has experienced remarkablefeatst of accomplishments in the field of sports, with athletes and champions from various sports domains being recognized and honoured by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister and Sports Minister of Tamil Nadu, Thiru Udhayanidhi Stalin.
Significantly, Rivaan Dev Preetham, an 11-year-old two-time Indian National Karting Champion from Chennai, and the first Indian to win a race at the FIA Motorsport Games, which took place in Valencia in October 2024, was honoured by Thiru. Udayanidhi Stalin, Honorable Deputy Chief Minister and Sports Minister of Tamil Nadu. During the event, he received a cheque for Rs 5 lakh from the Tamil Nadu Champions Foundation of SDAT.
This event marks the first time a motorsport achiever has received government financial support, thanks to the visionary leadership in place.
Thiru. Udayanidhi Stalin officially inducted Rivaan into the Tamil Nadu Champions Foundation today. Rivaan will represent India in the Champions of the Future competition, which will be held across Europe and the Middle East.