The production house of the movie “Vaadi Vaasal” has released an official announcement about the film. Director Vetri Maaran, who has been focusing on his projects “Viduthalai” and “Viduthalai 2,” has now turned his attention to “Vaadi Vaasal.” Producer Kalaippuli S. Thanu made the announcement by sharing a photograph of himself along with actor Suriya and director Vetri Maaran, stating, “Vaadi Vaasal opens to capture the admiration of the world.”

It has been confirmed that after completing the shoot for “Suriya 45,” the actor will now focus on “Vaadi Vaasal.” The crew for this project includes Velraj as the cinematographer, G.V. Prakash as the music composer, and Jacki as the art director. The rest of the cast will be revealed soon.

The announcement has been widely celebrated by Suriya’s fans online. Meanwhile, Suriya’s upcoming project “Retro” is set to release on May 1, and “Suriya 45” is scheduled for release by the end of this year.

அகிலம் ஆராதிக்க “வாடிவாசல்” திறக்கிறது#VetriMaaran @Suriya_offl#VaadiVaasal

— Kalaippuli S Thanu (@theVcreations) January 15, 2025

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