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Month: January 2025

Building a thriving practice
Business, Tech

Building a thriving practice 

Discover how ATMS Biz Club empowers natural medicine practitioners with business skills, ensuring better care and client outcomes. Health and wellness are constantly evolving, and with that comes a growing need for more personal, holistic care. Accredited natural medicine practitioners play a pivotal role in...
The Year of the Platypus
Business, Tech

The Year of the Platypus 

2025 is the Dreamtime year of the Platypus and is cosmically influenced by the constellation of Ursa Minor. The Stars, Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar and Alkaid, will all display an equal share of energy and spiritual guidance as they influence the importance of...
Business, Tech


Pomegranates have a long, varied, mythological and multicultural history. They are fruit-bearing deciduous shrubs in the Lythraceae family, grow in semiarid climates, are drought tolerant and can tolerate moderate frosts. Pomegranates are thought to have originated in Northern India, Afghanistan and Iran before spreading to...
Supporting Addiction
Business, Tech

Supporting Addiction 

Discover holistic strategies for overcoming addiction, including diet, supplements, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes. A 45-year-old man came to see me as he felt his life had been getting out of control. He had a long history of various addictions — in his teens and...
Five essential western herbs
Business, Tech

Five essential western herbs 

Explore the benefits of western herbs like chamomile, marshmallow, milk thistle, bilberry, and withania for humans and pets. At work, we keep our herbs in a dispensary. It’s a passageway with timber shelves along both sides. There are rows of bottles of herbal tinctures, pots...