‘Parking’ is a gripping egoistic thriller featuring Harish Kalyan, MS Bhaskar, and Indhuja in the lead roles. Directed by Ramkumar Balakrishnan, the movie centres on an intense ego clash sparked by a dispute over a parking space between two adamant characters. It has garnered praise from critics for its compelling screenplay, offering audiences a seat-edge thriller with a simple storyline.
Producer KS Sinish recently took to social media to announce that they had received an email from the Oscars, requesting a copy of the film’s screenplay to be included in the script library of the Academy. He expressed deep gratitude, stating that the entire team feels honoured by the Oscars acknowledging their work. This exciting news is now making waves across social media platforms.
It’s noteworthy to mention that the remake rights for ‘Parking’ have been recently sold for a record-breaking price in five languages, including an international language. ‘Parking’ marks the directorial debut of Ramkumar Balakrishnan and is produced by Passion Studios and Soldiers Factory. The film boasts music by Sam CS, cinematography by Jiju Sunny, and editing by Philomin Raj.
Really we don’t know how big of a moment this is! But so delighted to receive this mail from The Academy and honoured to have the screenplay of our #Parking along side many of the greatest works at the scripts library of the #Oscars@ImRamkumar_B @iamharishkalyan @Actress_Indhuja… pic.twitter.com/RarhSMyXoz
— K.s.Sinish (@sinish_s) May 23, 2024