Rajinikanth, the actor, was in Delhi on Sunday for Narendra Modi’s swearing-in event as Prime Minister-designate. He is now on his way to the national capital for a visit. His third straight term as prime minister was hailed by him as a major accomplishment and a proof of democracy. Delhi’s Rashtrapati Bhavan Forecourt will host the event. Rajinikanth was photographed earlier today heading out of his Chennai home for Delhi.
Speaking with journalists as he left, Rajinikanth wished Modi well. “I’m here for the swearing in. This event is historic. For Narendra Modi, taking up office for a third term in a row is a huge accomplishment. Sincere greetings to him. Also encouraging for democracy is the emergence of a powerful opposition, he added.
Regarding his hopes for the next five years, Rajinikanth was upbeat and said he expected good government. After the NDA won the majority in the most recent Lok Sabha elections, Narendra Modi will be sworn in as prime minister for the third time in a row on Sunday, June 9. The ceremony is supposed to begin on the forecourt of Rashtrapati Bhavan at 7:15 p.m.
There will be more than 8,000 attendees to the ceremony, according to officials, including professionals and cultural entertainers. According to ANI sources, the compact guest list is because Modi will be attending the G7 meeting in Italy later this week. President Droupadi Murmu will throw a dinner at Rashtrapati Bhavan for the dignitaries following the event.
Working-wise, Rajinikanth has a number of fascinating projects scheduled. He will next be featured in TJ Gnanavel’s “Vettaiyan,” which is slated for an October release and co-stars Rana Daggubati, Fahadh Faasil, and Amitabh Bachchan. He will also start filming Lokesh Kanagaraj’s “Coolie,” which has received good feedback from its announcement teaser.