Superstar Rajinikanth’s much awaited movie ‘Coolie’ is under shooting in Hyderabad right now. After Shruti Haasan revealed on her social media that she attended the first day of the filming, yesterday it was verified that she had joined the project. Later, another actress from “Bigil” also posted a picture attesting to her attendance at the same session, therefore suggesting she will also be featured in the movie.

Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by Sun Pictures, ‘Coolie’ has Anirudh’s music. Starting yesterday, the shooting is fast moving forward. Soon there should be an official statement about the complete cast.

Actress Reba Monica John has also shown up for the shooting; this is shown from a picture she shared on social media. Reba Monica will be crucial in “Coolie,” having portrayed a football player in Vijay’s “Bigil” under Atlee’s direction. Reba Monica has also starred in Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Tamil movies in addition.

Fans are keen to see who else will join this fascinating endeavour given the present star-studded roster.

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