In a strategic move to prevent a box office clash, Dhanush’s upcoming directorial venture, Nilavukku En Mel Ennadi Kobam, has been rescheduled for next month end release. Originally slated for February 7, 2025, the film will now premiere on Feb 21, 2025. This decision follows the recent announcement that Ajith Kumar’s highly anticipated film, Vidamuyarchi, is set to release on February 6, 2025. Both films are distributed by Red Giant Movies, prompting the adjustment to ensure optimal audience reach and box office performance.
Nilavukku En Mel Ennadi Kobam marks Dhanush’s third directorial project, following his previous works Pa Paandi and Raayan. The film features a talented ensemble cast, including Pavish, Anikha Surendran, Priya Prakash Varrier, and Mathew Thomas. Music for the film is composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar, marking his eighth collaboration with Dhanush. Principal photography commenced in December 2023, with Dhanush’s production house, Wunderbar Films, co-producing alongside RK Productions.
On the other hand, Vidamuyarchi is an action thriller directed by Magizh Thirumeni and produced by Lyca Productions. The film stars Ajith Kumar, alongside Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Arav, Regina Cassandra, and Ramya Subramanian. The trailer, released recently, has generated significant buzz among fans and industry insiders alike.
By adjusting the release date of Nilavukku En Mel Ennadi Kobam, both films aim to maximize their individual success and provide audiences with the opportunity to enjoy each production without the pressure of choosing between two major releases simultaneously.