Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate on Tuesday said it has signed Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Kapoor as the brand ambassadors for one of its projects in Pune. The luxurious project ‘VANAHA’ in Pune has a development potential of 5 million square feet and a revenue potential of Rs 4000 crore, the company said in a statement.
The project, which is part of a township of more than 1,000 acres, comprises of mixed-use development of residential, commercial, and retail spaces.
With a development potential of over 113 million square feet, Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate SPRE has a presence in Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, Gurugram, and Kolkata-with a variety of developments, from luxury apartments and opulent residences to aspirational homes for mid-income homebuyers as well as one of the largest mass housing projects in India, the statement said.
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