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Category: Business

A gift for the planet
Business, Tech

A gift for the planet 

As Christmas approaches, the familiar trappings of the festive season begin to appear. The gift edits, the advertisements, the endless sales and discounts – all reminders of the holiday’s undeniable link to capitalism and consumption. This time of year often brings with it a frenzy...
Are you doom spending
Business, Tech

Are you doom spending 

“Your order is on its way!” Is there any email subject line that brings more joy? But there could be more behind your motivations for hitting “buy now” than you expect. The results of a US-based survey, released in November 2023, by Qualtrics on behalf...
How to avoid brain fog
Business, Tech

How to avoid brain fog 

In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, it’s common to experience episodes of mental fogginess, commonly known as “brain fog”. Whether it’s caused by stress, lack of sleep, or poor nutrition, brain fog can significantly impact our cognitive abilities and overall health and wellbeing....
Synthetic Foods
Business, Tech

Synthetic Foods 

Explore synthetic foods: precision fermentation, lab-grown meat, and their environmental impact. Benefits and concerns. Farming, especially in its industrial, broadacre form, is considered by some to be the world’s most environmentally damaging activity, based on the totality of its impacts. Food production represents about a...
The power is in your hands
Business, Tech

The power is in your hands 

Discover how palmistry reveals your talents, character, and destiny through hand shapes, lines, and ancient wisdom. “Your karma changes with each clap in kirtan,” the Indian Yogi told me after a temple ritual. “Really, tell me more please.” Rather than being set in stone, he...