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Category: Tech

Accelerated Acceptance
Business, Tech

Accelerated Acceptance 

There is acceptance and then there is something called radical acceptance. So, what’s the difference? The traditional notion of acceptance, stemming from Buddhist philosophy and adopted by the West, involves consciously acknowledging present circumstances and accepting they cannot be changed. Radical acceptance, however, goes a...
Key benefits of joining ANTA
Business, Tech

Key benefits of joining ANTA 

The Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) is a trusted multi-modality natural healthcare association of highly skilled practitioners qualified in traditional and natural therapies. ANTA’s mission is to provide the public with best-practice health care and the highest possible standards for the conduct and safety of...
Australian Traditional-Medicine Society
Business, Tech

Australian Traditional-Medicine Society 

Empower your practice with the support of a professional associationlike Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS). Whether you’re soon to graduate or have recently graduated, it can be a daunting time as you make important decisions such as starting your own clinic or working within an established...