Official: Dulquer Salmaan’s upcoming film postponed to Diwali, clashing with biggies!
Dulquer Salmaan has teamed up with director Venky Atluri, known for “Vaathi”, for an upcoming period thriller drama titled “Lucky Baskhar”. Set against the backdrop of the 1980s, the film revolves around a mysterious banker and his hidden wealth. Initially slated for release on September...
Dulquer Salmaan’s ‘Lucky Baskhar’ teaser: unravels a shady tale behind a common bank employee!
Dulquer Salmaan is returning to rock the audiences with yet another grey-shaded role in his upcoming film, ‘Lucky Baskhar’. It is worth mentioning that this is the next film from the makers of Dhanush’s ‘Vaathi’. The official teaser came out and ignited high hopes for...
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