Legendary director Bharathiraja’s son Manoj is all set to make his directorial debut with the film ‘Maargazhi Thingal’. We have already informed you the same. Manoj Bharathiraja entered the cinema industry as an actor and has starred in numerous movies. Today, top celebrities unveiled the teaser of Margazhi Thingal.

The minute-long video shows glimpses of an endearing teen love story of two high school students while Bharathiraja plays the girl’s grandfather. There is only one dialogue in the teaser yet we get an idea on how the film will be. The newcomers Shyaam Selvan and Rakshana are playing the lead pair while Bharathiraja, director Suseenthiran, Appukutty and others.

Isaignani Ilaiyaraaja’s background score beautifully blends with the budding love story with warming visuals from Vanchinathan Murugesan and breezy cuts from Thiyaku. Margazhi Thingal is produced by director Suseenthiran under Vennila Productions. The release date will be announced soon.

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