/ Created : Mar 21, 2024, 15:58 IST

Gulmarg authorities take action against illegal tourist guides


Officials in Gulmarg, Kashmir, take action against illicit guides, filing FIRs. Joint team led by CEO of Gulmarg Development Authority confronts unregistered guides, garnering praise. Ongoing efforts focus on organising tourism se … Read more

Gulmarg authorities take action against illegal tourist guides

Officials have taken action against the illicit operations of guides in Gulmarg, Kashmir. As per officials, FIRs have been registered against those involved. In response to several complaints, a joint team comprising local and tourist police, alongside Gulmarg Development Authority (GDA) officials led by the CEO, conducted a targeted crackdown on unregistered guides and other unlawful service providers in the region.

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These unregistered operators typically gather in groups at key entry points of Gulmarg, where they aggressively approach tourist vehicles, causing distress to visitors and tarnishing the reputation of this renowned destination. Authorities have been inundated with grievances from tourists regarding these activities.

During the enforcement operation, these individuals attempted to physically confront civil and police personnel, resulting in the lodging of FIRs against them for their misconduct.

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The initiative has garnered praise from tourists and travel associations, who have long awaited such action against these unscrupulous elements. They advocate for a sustained effort to rid Gulmarg of these illegal practices.

The CEO of Gulmarg has affirmed a commitment to ongoing efforts aimed at organizing and overseeing tourism services in the region. This signifies a dedication to maintaining order and ensuring the integrity of Gulmarg as a premier tourist destination.

Gulmarg authorities take action against illegal tourist guides

In summary, authorities have taken proactive measures to address the presence of unauthorized guides and service providers in Gulmarg, signaling a crackdown on illegal activities detrimental to the tourist experience.

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The swift response to complaints and the initiation of legal proceedings against offenders underscore a commitment to upholding the standards and reputation of the area’s tourism industry.

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