In the midst of a whirlwind of Tamil film industry announcements, one film that has been in the news lately is director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s upcoming project with Superstar Rajinikanth. Sun Pictures has announced that they will reveal the title on the 22nd of this month, and the anticipation is only growing.

But that’s not all. One more interesting project that has been added to the list is a film titled “Benz,” directed by Bakkiyaraj Kannan, who earlier did “Remo” and “Sultan. Furthermore, the film will star Raghava Lawrence, a stalwart in Tamil cinema, further raising expectations.

A large-sized poster revealing the title “Benz” has sent shockwaves through the industry, setting tongues wagging and fans abuzz with speculation. As Superstar readies himself for Lokesh Kanagaraj’s ‘Thalaivar 171’, it could well be that the film’s production gets into top gear and the cinemas are in for some pulsating action shortly.

On this auspicious day, I present my Next project. I’m extremely elated to work with @lokeshkanagaraj brother. It’s been a dream come true for a long time. I’m also happy to collaborate with Producers, @TheRoute – Jagdish Palanisamy, @PassionStudios_ Sudhan Sundaram in…

— Raghava Lawrence (@offl_Lawrence) April 14, 2024

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