Actor Nivin Pauly has been officially declared innocent after facing sexual assault allegations in a legal case brought against him by a woman. In a recent ruling, the court found the accusations false, fully exonerating the popular actor.
The case unravelled during a thorough investigation, which revealed that Nivin was not present at the alleged location on the date and time of the incident, directly contradicting the claims made against him. This crucial detail led to the dismissal of all charges, with Nivin Pauly, initially listed as the sixth accused, being completely acquitted.
The Kothamangalam Deputy Superintendent of Police provided a detailed report to the First Class Magistrate Court, meticulously explaining the findings that led to the court’s decision. With this ruling, Nivin Pauly has been cleared of any wrongdoing, bringing closure to a case that had sparked significant media attention.
Nivin’s fans and supporters are expressing relief and celebrating his vindication, as he can now focus on his upcoming projects without the shadow of these allegations. The actor took to his social media and wrote, “Heartfelt gratitude to everyone who stood by me. Thanks for all the love, prayers and support.”
— Nivin Pauly (@NivinOfficial) November 6, 2024