Renowned filmmaker S. Shankar recently shared insights into his unfulfilled aspirations to collaborate with prominent Telugu cinema icons. During the pre-release event of his upcoming film ‘Game Changer’ in Dallas, attended by lead actor Ram Charan and other key cast members, Shankar revealed his longstanding desire to work with superstars Chiranjeevi, Mahesh Babu, and Prabhas.
Shankar disclosed that for over 15 years, he had envisioned a project with Megastar Chiranjeevi, but despite persistent efforts, the collaboration did not materialize. Subsequently, he planned a film with Mahesh Babu; however, this venture also failed to take off. During the pandemic, Shankar engaged in discussions with Prabhas, known for his roles in ‘Baahubali’ and ‘Adipurush,’ but unfortunately, this project did not come to fruition either.
Reflecting on these missed opportunities, Shankar remarked, “For 15 years, I dreamed of making a film with Megastar Chiranjeevi, but it didn’t materialize. Later, I planned to collaborate with Mahesh Babu, but that project also didn’t take off. During the pandemic, I even discussed a film with Prabhas, but unfortunately, it didn’t come to life either.”
Despite these setbacks, Shankar expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work with Ram Charan in ‘Game Changer,’ describing it as a significant milestone in his career. Touted as a high-octane political thriller, ‘Game Changer’ has generated substantial anticipation among fans, eager to witness Ram Charan’s compelling performance under Shankar’s ambitious direction.
This project comes at a pivotal time for Shankar, whose recent films, ‘2.0’ and ‘Indian 2,’ faced criticism and did not resonate well with audiences. ‘Indian 2,’ in particular, received a 2 out of 5-star rating from ETimes, with critiques highlighting a lack of nuanced writing and emotional connection.
As ‘Game Changer’ approaches its release, the film industry and audiences alike are keen to see Shankar’s return to form, anticipating that this collaboration with Ram Charan will mark a triumphant comeback for the esteemed director.