Actor Ajith Kumar’s racing team, “Ajith Kumar Racing Team,” participated in the prestigious ’24H Series’ car race held in Dubai. Recently, during practice sessions, a car driven by Ajith met with an accident, leading to his withdrawal from the race. However, his team still competed and performed remarkably.

In the race held yesterday, the Ajith Kumar Racing Team secured an impressive 3rd place in the 991 category, marking a significant achievement. Ajith celebrated this victory by enthusiastically waving the national flag, and the video of this celebration quickly gained traction on social media.

Experts have highlighted the significance of an Indian team achieving 3rd place in an international race, particularly during their debut. Congratulatory messages have poured in for Ajith and his team from fans and celebrities alike. Actor R. Madhavan personally congratulated him, sharing his pride in Ajith through a video.

Several other film personalities, including actors Arjun Das, Aarav, Vasanth Ravi, and directors Vishnuvardhan and Adhik Ravichandran, wished Ajith in person during their visit to Dubai. Tamil Nadu’s Deputy Chief Minister, Udhayanidhi Stalin, also extended his congratulations through social media, expressing his happiness and urging Ajith and his team to continue making the nation and Tamil Nadu proud with further achievements.

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