Bollywood star Vidyut Jammwal, who has marked his presence with a wide array of acting, fitness, and martial arts abilities, turned 42 on December 10. The annual ritual of the actor to mark his birthday brought out some interesting revelations for all the fans, as he shared one special thing that he has been doing every year for the last 14 years.
The action hero, who has a huge fan following on social media platforms, recently took to Instagram and posted a series of interesting clicks from his yearly mountain retreat. The pictures consist of Jammwal sitting in peace and posing like a Yogi amidst mountains in a forest-like setting. These images disclose his ritual of momentarily detaching from the luxuries of life to imbibe in self-discovery through this retreat.
Alongside the pictures, the Commando actor penned an introspective note: “My annual sojourn to the Himalayan peaks—’the abode of the divine,’ started 14 years ago. Unbeknownst, it became a vital ritual for me to spend 7–10 days in solitary contemplation every year.” He highlighted it as a must to go into solitude away from the comfort zones of daily life to understand the essence of “Who I am Not,” the basic step towards being self-aware.
Jammwal defined the solace he seeks out outside his comfort zone, living in the harmonic frequencies of the earth. He compared himself to beaming vibrations of happiness and love like a satellite dish. He further put highlights on his resonating frequencies of compassion, determination, achievement, and action.
During the time of reflection, he expressed his enthusiasm for a future project: “I am now geared up and enthused for my next chapter, CRAKK, set to hit theatres on February 23rd, 2024.”
His words were inspiring, making fans write about him as “King of Kalari” and how one needs the energy of the forest to reach within himself.
Coming into the wilderness from a life of luxury and adulation, I enjoy finding my solitude and realising the importance of knowing “Who I am Not“ which is the first step of knowing “WHO AM I “as well as fending for myself in the quiet luxuries provided by nature.
— Vidyut Jammwal (@VidyutJammwal) December 10, 2023
I vibrate at the frequency of COMPASSION.
I vibrate at the frequency of DETERMINATION.
I vibrate at the frequency of ACHIEVEMENT.
I vibrate at the frequency of ACTION.— Vidyut Jammwal (@VidyutJammwal) December 10, 2023
I’m now ready and excited for my next chapter – CRAKK releasing in theatres on Feb 23rd, 2024 🥳
Pic courtesy – A Local Shepherd Mohar Singh
— Vidyut Jammwal (@VidyutJammwal) December 10, 2023