Superstar Rajinikanth is celebrating his 73rd birthday today. The title and teaser of his next film were revealed today to make the day more special. ‘Thalaivar 170’ was titled ‘Vettaiyan’. Now, the makers have presented a glimpse video of Rajinikanth’s role from ‘Lal Salaam’ as a surprise for the fans.
Notably, Lyca Productions is bankrolling both ‘Vettaiyan’ and ‘Lal Salaam’. Thalaivar plays Moideen Bhai in Lal Salaam which is an extended cameo role. The film is directed by his daughter Aishwarya with Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth in the lead roles. It is touted to be a cricket-based sports drama. The glimpse of Moideen Bhai is now ruling the internet.
The minute-long video shows Rajinikanth as a powerful Muslim gangster with an intense background score by Isai Puyal AR Rahman. We see the mass entry of Moideen Bhai followed by his rage-filled stunt sequence and the promo ends with him meditating in peace. The movie looks vibrant and powerful through the lens of Vishnu Rangasamy.
Lal Salaam features Superstar Rajinikanth, Vishnu Vishal, Vikranth, Kapil Dev, Senthil, Jeevitha, Thambi Ramaiah, Ananthika Sanilkumar, Vivek Prasanna, Thangadurai and others. The sports flick is coming to cinemas on Pongal 2024. The technical team comprises Pravin Baaskar as the editor and Ramu Thangaraj as the art director.
Mass machine and most magnetic magnificence of a man! Happy birthday APPA ! Here’s my humble tribute on this day from #lycaproductions @arrahman sir and us a team of underdogs 😇🧡ðŸ™ðŸ¼ðŸŒŸ #LalSalaam
— Aishwarya Rajinikanth (@ash_rajinikanth) December 12, 2023