The Delhi High Court has ordered the removal of a key scene from the blockbuster film ‘Jailer’ which has created a sensation among the fans of Superstar Rajinikanth. Directed by Nelson Dilip Kumar, ‘Jailer’ released worldwide on 10th August. After two weeks of its release, the film is running successfully in many theatres is approaching the all time record breaking collection of around rupees 600 crores..
‘Jailer’ produced by Sun Pictures and directed by Nelson Dilipkumar has Ramya Krishnan paired opposite Rajinikanth while Vasant Ravi, Vinayakan, Sunil, Mirnaa and Yogi Babu play other important roles, Kannada superstar Shivraj Kumar, Malayalam superstar Mohanlal, veteran Bollywood actor Jackie Shroiff and Tamannaah Bhatia played cameo roles that were well received. Anirudh’s songs became chartbusters and his background score was a major plus for the dark comedy film.
Coming back to the Delhi High Court order, In ‘Jailer’, a character actor wore the Royal Challengers Bengaluru aka RCB team jersey and made anti-women comments. The team management took legal action claiming that the reputation of one of the most popular teams in the IPL will be tarnished.
When the case came up for hearing in the Delhi High Court today, Justice Pradeepa M Singh, who heard the case, ordered the producer to remove that particular scene in which the RCB jersey was filmed from September 1st. The judge has also ruled that this order should be implemented when the film is aired on television and OTT platforms.