Amidst the evolving landscape of entertainment, a wave of films previously premiered in theaters is now poised to make its debut on Over-the-Top (OTT) platforms. Notably, three movies—’Japan,’ ‘Jigarthanda 2,’ and ‘Raid’—initially released during this year’s Diwali season, are set to hit the digital streaming sphere.
The trio, featuring Karthi’s compelling ‘Japan,’ Karthik Subbaraj’s highly anticipated ‘Jigarthanda 2,’ and Vikram Prabhu’s action-packed ‘Raid,’ made a splash in cinemas during the festive period. Now, these entertainers are set for their grand online premiere. ‘Raid’ is set to captivate audiences this week, while ‘Japan’ and ‘Jigarthanda 2’ are gearing up for their debut on Netflix. Simultaneously, ‘Raid’ will be available exclusively on Aha. Additionally, ‘Kuse Munusamy Veerappan’ has found a spot on Zee 5 , enriching the digital platform’s diverse content library.
Expanding this diverse array, the Telugu film ‘Polymara 2’ is all set to enthrall viewers on Aha , while the Malayalam movie ‘Pendulam’ is primed to make its mark on Saina Play. Furthermore, ‘Achanuru Vazhavachu,’ a poignant Malayalam film, has joined the lineup on Simply South , offering audiences yet another captivating storytelling experience.
These strategic moves signify a pivotal shift in film distribution, aligning with the changing audience preferences toward digital streaming platforms. As viewers increasingly turn to these platforms for their entertainment, the industry is swiftly adapting, offering a diverse range of content to cater to varied tastes and preferences.